Memories ; Obersee

Exhibition Period: 16.12.2021- 15.1.2022

Opening Hours:
Tuesday-Sunday   13:00-18:00
Holiday: 25.12.2021 / 31.12.2021 / 1.1.2022

Villa Heike
Freienwalder Str. 17, 13055 Berlin, Deutschland.

이 전시는 감각으로 체험된 순간들로 구성된 불연속적인 시간인 기억과 경험의 세계를 우리 옆으로 다시 데리고와 재경험할 수 있도록 하는 전시이다. 작가 조주현은 본인 과거의 감각적 경험들의 역사와 전시장 빌라하이크와 베를린이라는 장소와 공간에 남겨진 기억의 흔적들을 현실세계로 소환한다. 어린시절 작가에겐 너무나 무료했던 아빠의 연구실에서 산호초 그림을 그리던 기억에서부터 현재 거주중인 베를린 집에서 마주하는 호수 Obersee의 매 시간 변화하는 풍경 그리고 전시장 빌라하이크가 세계대전과 분단의 기억을 넘어 간직한 프로이센과 독일제국의 기억들은 자칭 ‘입체적 회화’의 형식으로 현실화 된다. 작가가 말하기를 그녀의 작업은 기관이 없는 신체이다. 이는 기억이라는 유령에 피부를 입히는 프랑켄슈타인 박사가 되어보는 경험이었다고 한다. 그녀의 작업은 한국화에 뿌리를 두고 있다, 조주현은 베를린에서 그녀의 입체적 회화의 형식으로 한국의 진채화와 관념산수화를 소개하고 싶다고 한다.

Memories; Obersee, Juheon Cho’s latest practice, is an exploration of the memories of places, peoples and events that have been left behind. The feeling of leaving places behind as we move from city to city, country to country is shared amongst an entire generation where moving has become the norm. As the future marches ever onwards we have memories of these places and an ever-expanding repository of memories that we place online and we are left with a sense of loss looking back on them. We may be able to recall memories from a long time ago, but they are incomplete and lack richness. When our social media shocks us with a memory of a long-ago visited place or time we are struck with a moment of joy as we relive the moment, which quickly fades away once we realise it is a ghost from the past, the exhausted ("L'Epuise) version of peoples and places that have been used up that we can’t go back to. We look at them fondly but they are flat, shallow versions of a different reality that doesn’t exist anymore.

The artist Juheon Cho is trying to bring her own sensations and experienced histories with the memories of Villa Heike and Berlin back to our reality. The memory of drawing coral reefs in her childhood at her father's boring laboratory, her Berlin home next to Obersee that has a beautiful scenery that changes every day and Berlin’s memories that are buried in the Villa Heike are continuously carried back with her sculptural painting. She says it was an experience of living the life of ‘Dr. Frankenstein’ that gives skin to the ghost of a memory, the production of the work as a body without organs. Her work is rooted in traditional Korean painting styles and practices. She wishes to invite you to see the traditional ‘Korean deep colour painting (진채화)’ and the ‘Ideological Landscape (관념산수)’ within the form of sculptural painting. (Juheon Cho) 


1. Mein lieber Obersee

Korean traditional colour pigments on handmade mulberry pulp paper (Hanji), Paints on resin rock,
Variable Installation,

2. Memories ; Obersee

Korean traditional colour pigments on handmade mulberry pulp paper (Hanji),
Variable Installation,

3. Memories ; Villa Heike

4. Lichtenberg

Miniatures on polyurethane foam with Chrome cast, projector,
Variable Installation,


5. Dazzling memories-0802

Korean traditional colour pigments on handmade mulberry pulp paper (Hanji),

Sold out


Mein lieber Obersee, Korean paint on Hanji and Wood Panel, 350cm x 150cm, 2021

Obersee Summer Wave, Breeze and Afternoon Sky,
Korean paint/ Gouache and Gesso  on Hanji and Wood Panel,
110cm x 50cm, 2021

Obersee Afternoon Sky and Autumn Sky,
Korean paint/ Gouache and Gesso  on Hanji and Wood Panel/ Polyfoam,
55cm x 40cm, 2021

Rock and Obersee Autumn Sky,
Gouache and Gesso on Resin Rock,
37cm x26cm x H:29cm, 2021

Obersee Sky,  Korean paint on Hanji and Wood Panel, 180cm x 130cm, 2021

Obersee Misty Sky, Gouache and Gesso on Polyfoam, 25cm x 20cm, 2021

Obersee Afternoon Sky, Gouache and Gesso on Polyfoam, 25cm x 20cm, 2021

Obersee and Dawn 1, Gouache and Gesso on Polyfoam, 60cm x 40cm, 2021

Obersee and Dawn 2, Gouache and Gesso on Polyfoam, 45cm x 45cm, 2021

Obersee and Dawn 3, Gouache and Gesso on Polyfoam, 45cm x 45cm, 2021

Obersee Green,  Korean paint on Hanji and Polyfoam, 150cm x 130cm, 2021

Obersee Sunset, Korean paint on Hanji and Polyfoam, 100cm x 100cm, 2021

Obersee and The Big Tree from Mies van der Rohe Haus,
Gouache and Gesso on Polyurethane Foam,
130cm x 100cm, 2021

Obersee Sky and Snowed Big Tree,
Gouache and Gesso on Styrofoam, Polyurethane Foam and Wood Panel,
130cm x 100cm, 2021

Obersee Sunset and The Gentle Wave,
Korean paint on Hanji and Wood Panel,
180cm x 130cm x H:100cm, 2021

Obersee Winter Wave,Korean paint on Hanji and Polyfoam,
50cm x 50cm x H:10cm/20cm/30cm, 2021

Obersee and The Shore Daytime,
Gouache and Gesso on Polyfoam,
220cm x30cm, 2021

Obersee Windy Autumn and The Big Tree from Mies van der Rohe Haus,
Gouache and Gesso on Polyurethane Foam,
120cm x 100cm, 2021

Obersee and Sunsets, Korean paint on Hanji and Polyfoam, 1400cm x 50cm, 2021

Obersee and Autumn Tree, Korean paint on Hanji and Polyfoam, 1400cm x 50cm, 2021

Obersee Autumn Sky and Dazzling Winter wave,
Korean paint/ Gouache and Gesso  on Hanji and Wood Panel,
75cm x 50cm, 2021

Obersee Winter Wave and Autumn Sky,
Korean paint/ Gouache and Gesso  on Hanji and Wood Panel/ Polyfoam,
55cm x 40cm, 2021

Obersee and Late summer Sky,
Gouache and Gesso on Polyfoam, 17cm x 7cm x 3, 2021

Obersee and Summer Green,
Korean Paint and Gesso on Polyfoam, 40cm x 20cm, 2021

Am Faulensee - Trump talking with a Bird,
Miniature toy, Grass, Plastic trees, Sand, Resin Gouache and Gesso on Polyurethane Foam,
27cm x 25cm, 2021

Obersee - Murder scene,
Miniature toy, Grass, Plastic trees, Sand, Resin Gouache and Gesso on Polyurethane Foam,
40cm x 40cm, 2020

불곡산 - 뱀에 물린 사람
Miniature toy, Grass, Plastic trees, Sand, Resin Gouache and Gesso on Polyurethane Foam,
15cm x 10cm, 2020

Mies van der Rohe Haus - Rock Concert,
Miniature toy, Grass, Plastic trees, Sand, Resin Gouache and Gesso on Polyurethane Foam,
40cm x 40cm, 2020


전시 제목: Memories ; Obersee ( 기억 ; 오버시 )

작가 이름: JUHEON CHO 조주현 曺周賢

작가 웹사이트:
작가 이메일:
작가 인스타그램 URL:

Villa Heike
Freienwalder Str. 17, 13055 Berlin, Deutschland.

전시 기간: 16.12.2021- 15.1.2022
전시장 개방 시간:
화요일-일요일 13:00-18:00
휴일: 25.12.2021 / 31.12.2021 / 1.1.2022

도움주신 분들:
IT  : Warren Heath
IT / Goods production : Chris McKinsey
Art Critic : Bora Lim
Space support : Michael Schäfer
Space support : Museum Lichtenberg im Stadthausdmf 의 Almut Koch, Sirid Amsel
Financial Support : Citron INC.
Cordination : Christof Düro
Carpenter : Micha, Johan
Photograph : Delia Friemel
Poster desgin : Robert Kim

Exhibition Title: ‘Memories ; Obersee’

Artist name: JUHEON CHO 조주현 曺周賢
Artist Website:
Artist email:
Artist Instagram URL:

Exhibition Place:
Villa Heike 
Freienwalder Str. 17, 13055 Berlin, Deutschland.
Exhibition Period: 16.12.2021- 15.1.2022
Opening Hours:
Tuesday-Sunday   13:00-18:00
Holiday: 25.12.2021 / 31.12.2021 / 1.1.2022

IT  : Warren Heath
IT / Goods production : Chris McKinsey
Art Critic : Bora Lim
Space support : Michael Schäfer
Space support : Museum Lichtenberg im Stadthausdmf, Almut Koch, Sirid Amsel
Financial Support : Citron INC.
Cordination : Christof Düro
Carpenter : Micha, Johan
Photograph : Delia Friemel
Poster desgin : Robert Kim


1. Photograph

Photos provided by Michael Schäfer

Photos provided by Michael Schäfer

Photos provided by Michael Schäfer

2. Nice article about Villa Heike


Copyright © JUHEON CHO, 2012- , All Rights Reserved

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조주현 曺周賢 JUHEON CHO


A work towards incomplete


Diorama ; my reality

Sculptral Painting

Disaster Game

Colour mining

Dazzling memories..

Dazzling plastic things..

Empty of meaning

Never fear or worry

Psychedelic nature-invisible fear

26m Panorama disaster painting


Disaster painting

Filling dots 

One plus fan zone🎉

Irradiated Rock


Show room

Wall paper series


Sixth solo show

Memories ; Obersee
Fifth solo show

Flat digital
Fourth solo show

A Spectacle Fever; Media between real and digital
Third solo show

Tamed by spectacle - the opaqueness of image
Second solo show

The little boy and a toxic land
First solo show

︎ Info
